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Degree Requirements 2023-2024 (MAT)

MAT with a concentration in Elementary Education

33 Graduate Credit Hours / 78 Total Credit Hours

100 Out of Class Field Hours Required

This program is designed to prepare teachers for grades K-6. Optional endorsements in middle school specialty areas of math, science, social studies, and communication arts can be pursued along with or separately from the K-6 license.

Program Requirements

  • EDC 511 – Tools of Inquiry (3 CH)
  • EDC 502 – Critical Histories and Philosophies of Education* (3 CH)
  • EDC 566 – Diversity/Minnesota American Indians (3 CH)
  • EDC 533 – Learning and Development in an Educational Setting (3 CH)
  • EDC 544 – Learners with Special Needs* (3 CH)
  • EDC 580 – School and Society (3 CH)
  • EED 524 – Transcultural Literacies: An Introduction to Language and Literacy (3 CH)
  • EED 525 – K-6 Language and Literacy Methods: Critical Applications for the Elementary Classroom* (3 CH)
  • EED 550 – K-6 Methods: Math (3 CH)
  • EED 560 – K-6 Methods: Science (3 CH)
  • EDC 596 – Early Career Teacher Seminar (3 CH)

To complete the license, students also will need to complete the following requirements at the undergraduate level:

  • HPE 115 – Chemical Dependency Education
  • EDC 220 – Educational Technology
  • EED 311 – K-6 Methods: Health
  • EED 312 – K-6 Methods: Physical Education
  • EED 336 – Advanced Literacy Methods*
  • EED 341 – K-6 Methods: Art
  • EED 370 – K-6 Social Studies Methods: Decolonizing Curriculum and Classrooms
  • EED 380 – Kindergarten Methods*
  • EED 386 – K-6 Methods: Children’s Literature
  • One of EDC 481 or EDC 482
    • EDC 481 – Student Teaching: Initial License (12-14 weeks)
    • EDC 482 – Student Teaching: Endorsement
  • EED 489 – Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar

*Field experience hours are required in these courses. Please see the Field Experience section for more information.

MAT with a concentration in Secondary Education

30 Graduate Credit Hours / 68 – 107 Total Credit Hours**

100 Out of Class Field Experience Hours Required

K-12 licenses prepare teachers to teach a content area across elementary, middle school, and high school. Licenses for grades 5-12 prepare teachers to teach at the middle and high school levels.

K-12 Licenses are available in the following areas: Music, Physical Education, Visual Arts

5-12 Licenses are available in the following areas: Communication Arts, Health, Math, Social Studies

9-12 Licenses are available in the following subject areas: Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Middle School Endorsements (5-8) are available in the following licensure areas: Social Studies, Communication Arts, Visual Arts, Health, Music, and Physical Education.

A 5-8 general science license is also available.

**Total Credit Hours vary depending on content area and the addition of a middle school endorsement.

Program Requirements

Please note that additional courses in content area may also be required.

  • EDC 511 – Tools of Inquiry (3 CH)
  • EDC 502 – Critical Histories and Philosophies of Education* (3 CH)
  • EDC 566 – Diversity/Minnesota American Indians (3 CH)
  • EDC 533 – Learning and Development in an Educational Setting (3 CH)
  • EDC 544 – Learners with Special Needs* (3 CH)
  • EDC 580 – School and Society (3 CH)
  • ESE 525 – Creating Learning Environments (3 CH)
  • ESE 500 – Reading and Writing in Content Area* (3 CH)
  • EDC 596 – Early Career Teacher Seminar (3 CH)

To complete the license, students also will need to complete the following requirements at the undergraduate level:

  • HPE 115 – Chemical Dependency Education
  • EDC 220 – Educational Technology
  • ESE 3XX – K-12 or 5-12 Methods (in the content area)*
  • One of EDC 481, EDC 482, or EDC 483
    • EDC 481 – Student Teaching: Initial License (12-14 weeks)
    • EDC 482 – Student Teaching: Endorsement
    • EDC 483 – Student Teaching: Initial License in PE, Music, Art, or ESL
  • ESE 489 – Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar

*Field experience hours are required in these courses.

Undergraduate Content Area Requirements

The equivalent of a major in the licensure content area is required for K-12 and 5-12 licenses. Students who have majored in a field in which we offer licensure must have their previous coursework evaluated by the major department at Augsburg. Coursework must meet Minnesota licensure standards and have recorded a grade of C or better. Coursework older than seven years is judged on a case-by-case basis. If a student is missing requirements, specific undergraduate coursework will be required in order for the license to be attained.

MAT with a concentration in Special Education

48 Graduate Credit Hours / 73 Total Credit Hours

190 Field Experience Hours

The MAT in Special Education at Augsburg University corresponds with an Academic Behavioral Strategist (ABS), K-12 teaching license. This program qualifies students to teach in special education programs and positions working with students with mild to moderate disabilities in the areas of emotional/behavioral disabilities, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disabilities, developmental and cognitive disabilities and other health disabilities. This program is built on an inclusive education model. Under this model, students learn how to work closely with both special and general educators to facilitate inclusion of special education students into the regular education classroom.

Program Requirements

  • EDC 511 – Tools of Inquiry (3 CH)
  • EDC 502 – Critical Histories and Philosophies of Education* (3 CH)
  • EDC 566 – Diversity/Minnesota American Indians (3 CH)
  • EDC 533 – Learning and Development in an Educational Setting (3 CH)
  • EDC 544 – Learners with Special Needs* (3 CH)
  • EED 524 – Transcultural Literacies: An Introduction to Language and Literacy (3 CH)
  • EED 525 – K-6 Language and Literacy Methods: Critical Applications for the Elementary Classroom* (3 CH)
  • EED 550 – K–6 Methods: Math* (3 CH)
  • EED 560 – K–6 Methods: Science* (3 CH)
  • SPE 510 – Implementing Assessment Strategies* (3 CH)
  • SPE 511 – Etiology and Theory of Mild to Moderate Disabilities (3 CH)
  • SPE 515 – Theory to Practice* (3 CH)
  • SPE 525 – Transition and Community* (3 CH)
  • SPE 530 – Instructional and Behavioral Practices* (3 CH)
  • SPE 540 – Parent and Professional Planning (3 CH)
  • EDC 596 – Early Career Teacher Seminar (3 CH)

To complete the license, students also will need to complete the following requirements at the undergraduate level:

  • HPE 115 – Chemical Dependency Education
  • MAT 137 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
  • EDC 220 – Education Technology
  • EDC 330 and 332 – Building the Public Good: Public Achievement and Organizing
  • EDC 331 and 333 – Practicum in Public Achievement
  • EDC 481 – Student Teaching: Initial License (12-14 weeks)
  • SPE 489 – Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar

*Field experience required as part of this course.

MAT with a concentration in English as a Second Language (ESL)

36 Graduate Credit Hours / 69 Total Credit Hours

110 Field Experience Hours

The K-12 English as a Second Language license is available as an initial license or as a second license. This license qualifies teachers to work with K-12 students for whom English is a second language across a range of subject areas. A prerequisite to program admissions is two years of high school level or one year of college level language instruction.

Program Requirements

  • EDC 511 – Tools of Inquiry (3 CH)
  • EDC 502 – Critical Histories and Philosophies of Education* (3 CH)
  • EDC 566 – Diversity/MN American Indians (3 CH)
  • EDC 533 – Learning and Development in an Educational Setting (3 CH)
  • EDC 544 – Learners with Special Needs* (3 CH)
  • EED 525 – K-6 Language and Literacy Methods: Critical Applications for the Elementary Classroom* (3 CH)
  • ESE 525 – Creating Learning Environments* (3 CH)
  • ESL 510 – History and Structure of the English Language (3 CH)
  • ESL 520 – ESL Literacy* (3 CH)
  • ESL 530 – Language, Culture, and Schools (3 CH)
  • ESL 540 – ESL Methods* (3 CH)
  • EDC 596 – Early Career Teacher Seminar (3 CH)

To complete the license, students also will need to complete the following requirements at the undergraduate level:

  • HPE 115 – Chemical Dependency Education
  • EDC 220 – Educational Technology
  • ESL 310 – Second Language Acquisition
  • ESL 320 – Introduction to Linguistics
  • ESL 410 – ESL Testing and Evaluation
  • EDC 483 – Student Teaching: Initial License in PE, Music, Art, or ESL
  • ESL 489 – Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar

*This course has a field experience requirement.

Field Experience

An important part of preparing to be a teacher resides in meaningful experiences in the field. For courses with a field experience, you should plan on a minimum of 20 hours spent in a classroom or other relevant learning environment during the weekday. Most field experiences are intended to be completed in a classroom or grade level that corresponds with your licensure type (e.g. K-6 classrooms for an elementary license). If more than one course with field experience is taken in a given term, field experience requirements expand accordingly (i.e., two courses with 20 hours of field experience each require a total of 40 hours).

Graduate Elective Courses

Depending on the licensure area, students may be required to take one or two graduate elective courses. Other students may wish to enroll in additional graduate coursework based on interest. MAT students may take any course offered at the 500 level in Education (EDC, ESE, EED, SPE) or Leadership (MAL) as a graduate elective.

Graduate students may also petition to enroll in coursework offered by any graduate program at Augsburg University as a graduate elective. In many cases, the Graduate Director of the program offering the elective will also need to approve registration. Students may alternatively petition to have graduate coursework taken at another institution be accepted in transfer.